Sunday, June 18, 2017
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Father’s Day
Martyrs Leontios, Hypatios and Theodoulos at Tripoli in Phoenicia;
Venerable Leontios the Hagiorite of Dionysiou monastery on Athos
Visitors, we warmly welcome you to all services of the church.
Nourishment of the Soul: “Not every quiet man is humble, but every humble man is quiet.”- St. Isaac the Syrian
Disposal of food products and papers during the week, Monday – Friday: Good fragrances have been happening! Thanks for continuing.
Women of the Church and Your Friends: St. Mark’s United Methodist Church will be hosting a Fellowship Fashion & Tea Annual Interfaith Celebration on Thursday, June 28th at 2pm. You’re all invited. A few of our women attended this event a few years ago. Reservations are needed. Please check your email from the Myrrh Bearers or the notice on the hall bulletin board for details.
Today, June 18th, the Parish Council meets in Father Peter Jon’s office around noon.
Receiving the Eucharist: We invite you to receive the Holy Eucharist if you are an Orthodox Christian who has prepared yourself through fasting, prayer, and recent confession. If you are not Orthodox, or are Orthodox but have not prepared, we invite you to receive a piece of the blessed bread in the wooden bowls held by the altar servers at the front of the church.
Apostles Fast will be observed during social hour on the June 18th and 25th.
Tuesday, June 19 – Sunday, June 25: Father attends The Midwest Parish Life Conference.
Wednesday, June 21: No Daily Vespers
Saturday, June 24: Readers Vespers at 5:00
Sunday, June 25: Matins at 9:00; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 – Myrrh Bearers meet.
Happy Birthday: Christian G (19th); Becky H (20th); Theodore C (20th); Seavor R(21st); James F (22nd); Max W (23rd); Haley K (24th)
Many Years on Your Anniversary: John & Debbie C (18th); Subdeacon Jon & Irene W (18th); Hal & Sandy S (18th); Mark & Shirley R (24th)
Memory Eternal: Lavonne; Amanda
… June 28: Festal Evening Liturgy for Ss. Peter & Paul, marking the end of the Apostles Fast
…June 28: Interfaith Tea and Fashion Fellowship at St. Mark’s Methodist at 2pm
…June 30: Akathist to the Protection of the Theotokos
…July 1: 5 Year Memorial for Archpriest Peter E. Gillquist of blessed memory at 4pm
… July 3: (Monday) Annual Independence Day BBQ and Fireworks
Prayer List: Matthew & family; Adrian (Olga’s brother); Cathy;“For the suffering Christians of Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, & all of the Middle East, and for those suffering in Ukraine.”; Fr. Steven Rudy (cancer); Finley (infant girl child-Improved); Fr. Basil; Fr. Philip; Grant (Leukemia); Chris; Doug & Dorothy Barrett; Eileen; the Tabbals; Mary Ann & Jen; Dee and Don; Kh.Kristina; Betsy and Hannah; Leslie (paralysis); Jasmine; Deborah & Thomas; James; Becky H; Tom; Annie; Catherine; Janett; Julian; Kh. Mary Sue Walker; Vicki; Hoppes & Jesse Brandow (Missionaries); Vivian; Natalie; Senior Saints; Patricia; Nicetas; Barb; Shirley; Metropolitan Paul, Archbishop John; Fr. John Koen; Archpriest George; Heather; Susan; Gabriella & Matt; Sara; Shelley; Geni; Emily D; Emma; Nancy; Neal; Bob R; Leanne; Beth; Lillian; Julie; Roger; Virginia; Marilyn; Eric; Cheryl; Lori; Pam; Debbie; Natasha; Michael & Shelley: Gabriel; Mary; Janet; Kelly; Matushka Raisa; Marty; Charles; Mary; Marvin, Alice; Katie; Ruth; Steve; Romaine; Derek, Claire & Micah; Tim; Sharon; Sherri; Dianna; Michael and Diane; Aaron; Brent; Jennifer; Brigid; Ethan; Lena, Dean; Gayle; Thomas; Amy; Heidi; Gene & Connie, Caleb D; Megan & Colin; Bill & Sandy; Sabrina; Christy; Pete; Tammy K.; Terry Lee Pope
Today’s Epistle and Gospel Readings
Prokeimenon: “Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us.”
Verse: “Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous!” – Psalm 32:22,1
Epistle: The Reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. (2:10-16)
Brethren, glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality. All who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law. For it is not the hearers of the Law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the Law who will be justified. When Gentiles who have not the Law do by nature what the Law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the Law. They show that what the Law requires is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.
Gospel: The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. (4:18-23)
At that time, as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. And going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and He called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him. And He went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people.
Divine Liturgy Variables
Do you Know: Candles are an important part of Orthodox worship. Orthodox typically light candles when coming into the Church. We light them as we pray, making an offering (as we are able) to accompany our prayers. You may have noticed two candle prayer boxes at All Saints. Typically the one in the narthex receives your prayers for the living. The one in the front is for prayers remembering those departed.
Resurrectional Apolytikion – Tone 1
While the stone was sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers were guarding Thy most pure body, Thou didst arise on the third day, O Savior, granting life to the world. For which cause the heavenly powers cried aloud unto Thee, O Giver of Life. Glory to Thy Resurrection, O Christ; Glory to Thy Kingdom,; Glory to Thy Providence, O Thou Who alone art the lover of mankind.
Kontakion for Ordinary Sundays – Tone 2
O Undisputed intercessor of Christians, O Mediatrix who is unrejected by the Creator; turn not away from the voice of our petitions, though we be sinners. Come to us with aid in time, who cry unto thee in faith, for thou art good. Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who didst ever intercede for those who honor thee.