Cross Woods


Above you see a photo of the Cross Woods — a site on our property which was inspired by Grabarka, the holiest Orthodox site in Poland, where many miracles are worked to this day:

The story of the Grabarka Crosses goes back to 1710, when an epidemic of cholera broke out in the region and decimated the population. Amid utter despair, a mysterious sign came from the heavens, which indicated that a cross should be built and carried to a nearby hill. Those who reached the top escaped death, and soon afterwards the epidemic disappeared. The hill became a miraculous site and a church was erected in thanksgiving to God.

Since then, on the Feast of the Tranfiguration each year, pilgrims have been bringing crosses to place alongside the first one. Today, the hill is covered with nearly 20,000 crosses of different shapes and sizes.

Here are some photos of Grabarka in Poland.
crosses grabarka in summer.jpg
crosses winter in grabarka.jpg
Our intention with the Cross Woods is to provide a place where people may come and offer up their particular “crosses” to Christ, prayerfully leaving a cross — big or small –amongst the trees and the rocks. To offer up your own cross, take the path past the Gazebo Shrine and find an available spot. Glory to Jesus Christ!