Sunday, October 08, 2023

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Righteous Mother Pelagia the penitent of Antioch

   Marytr Pelagia the Virgin of Antioch; Venerable Thaïs of Egypt



Resurrectional Apolytikion – Tone 1

While the stone was sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers were guarding Thy most pure body, Thou didst arise on the third day, O Savior, granting life to the world. For which cause the heavenly powers cried aloud unto Thee, O giver of life. Glory to Thy Resurrection, O Christ, glory to Thy kingdom, glory to Thy providence, O Thou Who alone art the lover of mankind.

Apolytikion of St. Pelagia the Rightous – Tone 8

Through thee, the divine likeness was securely preserved, O mother Pelagia; for thou didst carry the cross and follow Christ. By example and precept thou didst teach us to ignore the body, because it is perishable, and to attend to the concerns of the undying soul. Therefore, doth thy soul rejoice with the angels.

Ordinary Kontakion – Tone 2

O undisputed intercessor of Christians, the Mediatrix, who is unrejected by the Creator. Turn not away from the voice of our petitions, though we be sinners. Come to us with aid in time, who cry unto thee in faith, for thou art good. Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who dost ever intercede for those who honor thee. 

Receiving the Eucharist:We invite you to receive the Holy Eucharist if you are an Orthodox Christian who has prepared yourself through fasting, prayer, and recent confession.  If you are not Orthodox, or are Orthodox but have not prepared, we invite you to receive a piece of the blessed bread in the wooden bowls held by the altar servers at the front of the church.


The Epistle 

Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous.

The Reading from the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. (9:6-11)

Brethren, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  Each one must do as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work.  As it is written, “He scatters abroad, he gives to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.”  He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your resources and increase the harvest of your righteousness.  You will be enriched in every way for great generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

The Gospel

The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (7:11-16)

At that time, Jesus went to a city called Nain, and many of His disciples and a great crowd went with Him.  As He drew near to the gate of the city, behold, a man who had died was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow; and a large crowd from the city was with her.  And when the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.”  And He came and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And Jesus said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.”  And the dead man sat up, and began to speak.  And Jesus gave him to his mother.  Fear seized them all; and they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us!” and “God has visited His people!”

Thought for Today“If we use all effort to avoid death of body, how much more must we seek to avoid death of soul. For there is no obstacle for a man wishing to be saved, except negligence and laziness of soul.”  – St. Anthony the Great-

Giving Opportunities:

Mission Donations: We send monthly support to two missionary units in Albania, the Hoppe family and Hannah Valentine. We welcome and encourage you to contribute to their ongoing support. 

Benevolence FundDonations may be made to this fund throughout the year, and are mainly used to support families in need of help with rent and utilities payments.

In-House Food Pantry: Non-perishable food items are always welcome! The Food Pantry is available to parish members as well as families and individuals in the greater Bloomington community. Thank you for your continued support. 


Today, Sunday: Stephen Berck will give a brief presentation during coffee hour about the Orthodox sites he visited while in Greece. 

Monday, October 9There will be no service today.

Tuesday, October 10: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am, OCF Dinner and Discussion, at the Webb’s home, 6:30pm

Wednesday, October 116th Hour Prayers at 12:00 noon; Daily Vespers at 6:00pm (Followed by Orthodoxy 101).

Thursday, October 12: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

FridayOctober 13: Divine Liturgy 9am.

Saturday, October 14: Festival on Fairfax; Great Vespers at 5:00 pm.

Sunday, October 15Matins at9:00amDivine Liturgy at 10:00am.


Names Day Celebration: Averi Vician, Philonella (11th).

Anniversary CelebrationHoward and RhondaWebb (13th).

Birthday CelebrationRaymond Labban (10th); Josiah Skinner (11th); Taylor Shahadey (12th); Phil Campbell (14th).

Memory Eternal: John, Johnny Sue, Edna, Louis, Carolyn, Timothy.

Prayer ListMichael, Olga, Eileen, Soren, Kathy; Toni;Jan; Don and Dee; those suffering the war of Ukraine; Peace talks; our nation and all nations’ leaders; Earthquake victims and relief efforts in Syria and Turkey; schools: school children, youth and personnel across the nation; Mat. Raisa; Mary Ann; Emma (Mary Ann’s granddaughter); Bob & Bonnie Thelen;  Wes (infant with brittle bone disorder); Wes’s grandfather; Megan (lymphoma); Mark (CHF) and (caregiver) Barbara;Josiah; Vicki;Vicki’s granddaughter; Steve Crandall; Fr. Athanasius; Jack; Christopher; Fr. Jerome; Catherine; Wadia; Jayci; Patricia; Marvin; Alice; Kitsa; Apthrodite; Kim; Kristy; Dusty; Cari; Betsy; Josh; Allison; Andrew (Texas/military); Isaac (Germany/military); Leanne; Heather; Nancy; Sharon Catherine; Lexi, Ross and Vivian; Theo; Doug; Jeremy; Dn. Lawrence, Marcia; Elias; Waded; Seraphima; Lilly’s family; Jennifer; Christy; Megan; John; Stanley; Macrina; Emilia and infant daughter; Amanda with child; Anne; Allen; Linda; Marilyn; Mary Barger; Allison and children; Nino with child, Kip, Taylor with child.

Lending Library: Several books have been added to our library including Fr. Thomas Hopko’s Catechism books and commentaries/homilies by Church Fathers. Come and read!

Coffee Hour Host: Melissa Barbarick with Parishioners A-B.

Next week Host: Wendy Carter with Parishioners C-G.

Donations to the church are being made online at and by U.S mail.  Many thanks to all who continue supporting All Saint

All Saints Festival on Fairfax: Our festival is an outreach to the greater Bloomington community. Festival hours are 11am-5pm. All willing, smiling and able-bodied faithful are needed to volunteer at the festival. We’ll need face painters, slide observers, cashiers, dish washers, table and trash clearers…. general runners and relief workers as needed.

Volunteer needs

Dan Rigsby, coordinator; Howard and Rhonda Webb, children’s activities; Cathy Alexander, bookstore; Nina Rogers, Bake shop.

Myrrh Bearers table: Please bring donated items (scarves, jewelry, etc.) by Friday.

Friday 10/13 afternoon: Volunteers will set up tables and chairs (pavilion), signs (road and tents), serving tables (skirting), trash containers (clean and lined), price bake shop items and arrange pastries…

Saturday 10/14 morning: Ice drinks, arrange food areas (John Labban and John Alexander) as directed

Prayer led by Fr. Peter at 9:00am

Sunday, October 01, 2023

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Apostle Ananias of the Seventy, first bishop of Damascus

& Righteous Father Romanos the Melodist 



Resurrectional Apolytikion – Tone 8

From the heights Thou didst descend, O compassionate One, and Thou didst submit to the three-day burial, that Thou might deliver us from passion; Thou art our life and our Resurrection, O Lord, glory to Thee.

Apolytikion of St. Ananias – Tone 3

O holy Apostle Ananias, intercede with our merciful God to grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Apolytikion of St. Romanos – Tone 8

Through thee, the divine likeness was securely preserved, O father Romanos; for thou didst carry the cross and follow Christ. By example and precept thou didst teach us to ignore the body, because it is perishable, and to attend to the concerns of the undying soul. Therefore, doth thy soul rejoice with the angels.

Ordinary Kontakion – Tone 2

O undisputed intercessor of Christians, the Mediatrix, who is unrejected by the Creator. Turn not away from the voice of our petitions, though we be sinners. Come to us with aid in time, who cry unto thee in faith, for thou art good. Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who dost ever intercede for those who honor thee. 

Receiving the Eucharist:We invite you to receive the Holy Eucharist if you are an Orthodox Christian who has prepared yourself through fasting, prayer, and recent confession.  If you are not Orthodox, or are Orthodox but have not prepared, we invite you to receive a piece of the blessed bread in the wooden bowls held by the altar servers at the front of the church.


The Epistle 

Make your vows to the Lord our God and perform them.

God is known in Judah; His Name is great in Israel.

The Reading from the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians. (6:16-7:1)

Brethren, we are the temple of the living God; as God said, “I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Therefore, come out from them, and be separate from them,” says the Lord, “and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”  Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, and make holiness perfect in the fear of God. 

The Gospel 

The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (6:31-36)

The Lord said: “As you wish that men would do to you, do so to them.  If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you?  For even sinners love those who love them.  And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you?  For even sinners do the same.  And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you?  Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again.  But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish.  Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.”

Thought for Today“If a poor man comes to you asking for bread, there is no end of complaints and reproaches and charges of idleness; you upbraid him, insult him, jeer at him. You fail to realize that you too are idle and yet God grants you gifts. Now don’t tell me that you actually work hard. If you call earning money, making business deals, and caring for your possessions “work” I say, “NO, that is not work. But alms, prayers, the protection of the injured and the like- these are genuine work.” You charge the poor with idleness; I charge you with corrupt behavior.”

+ St. John Chrysostom+

Second Thought“Remember that the Lord is in every Christian. When your neighbor comes to you, always have great respect for him, because the Lord is in him, and often expresses His will through him. ‘It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.’ Therefore do not grudge anything to your brother, but do unto him as unto the Lord; especially as you do not know in whom the Lord will come and visit you; be impartial to all, be kind to all, sincere and hospitable. Remember that sometimes God speaks even through unbelievers, or disposes their hearts towards, as it happened in Egypt when the Lord gave Joseph favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.” – St. John of Kronstadt


All Saints Festival on Fairfax is Saturday, October 14, 11am-5pm. Yard signs are in the hallway – please take one home! Volunteers are needed to set up, to work various tasks during the festival, and to donate fresh baked goods. Please see the list on the bulletin board for specific area leaders, or Dan Rigsby, the festival chair.


Today, SundayMyrrh Bearers meeting, all women of the parish are invited to attend.

Monday, October 26th Hour Prayers, at 12:00 noon.

Tuesday, October 3: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

Wednesday, October 46th Hour Prayers at 12:00 noon; Daily Vespers at 6:00pm (Followed by Orthodoxy 101).

Thursday, October 5: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

FridayOctober 6: Divine Liturgy 9am.

Saturday, October 7: Bible Study at the Webb’s home, 9:00 am; Great Vespers at 5:00 pm (followed by Ask Abouna); Jr. SOYO at 3:30pm; SOYO at 6:30pm.

Sunday, October 8Matins at9:00amDivine Liturgy at 10:00am.


Names Day Celebration: Amari Swank, Romanos (1st); Charles Coats, Thomas Stucker, Thomas Przybyla, Thomas (6th).

Birthday CelebrationJacob Stemper (2nd); Leanne Bissell (3rd); Sharon Catherine Kolinski (3rd); Don Haney (6th); Mikaela Hsu (7th).

Memory Eternal: John, Johnny Sue, Edna, Louis.

Prayer ListMichael, Olga, Eileen, Soren, Kathy; Toni;Jan; Don and Dee; those suffering the war of Ukraine; Peace talks; our nation and all nations’ leaders; Earthquake victims and relief efforts in Syria and Turkey; schools: school children, youth and personnel across the nation; Mat. Raisa; Mary Ann; Emma (Mary Ann’s granddaughter); Bob & Bonnie Thelen;  Wes (infant with brittle bone disorder); Wes’s grandfather; Megan (lymphoma); Mark (CHF) and (caregiver) Barbara;Josiah; Vicki;Vicki’s granddaughter; Steve Crandall; Fr. Athanasius; Jack; Christopher; Fr. Jerome; Catherine; Wadia; Jayci; Patricia; Marvin; Alice; Kitsa; Apthrodite; Kim; Kristy; Dusty; Cari; Betsy; Josh; Allison; Andrew (Texas/military); Isaac (Germany/military); Leanne; Heather; Nancy; Sharon Catherine; Lexi, Ross and Vivian; Theo; Doug; Jeremy; Dn. Lawrence, Marcia; Elias; Waded; Seraphima; Lilly’s family; Jennifer; Christy; Megan; John; Stanley; Macrina; Emilia with child; Amanda with child; Anne; Allen; Linda; Marilyn; Mary Barger; Allison and children; Nino with child, Kip, Taylor with child. 

Lending Library: Several books have been added to our library including Fr. Thomas Hopko’s Catechism books and commentaries/homilies by Church Fathers. Come and read!

Giving Opportunities:

Mission Donations: We send monthly support to two missionary units in Albania, the Hoppe family and Hannah Valentine. We welcome and encourage you to contribute to their ongoing support. 

Benevolence FundDonations may be made to this fund throughout the year, and are mainly used to support families in need of help with rent and utilities payments.

In-House Food Pantry: Non-perishable food items are always welcome! The Food Pantry is available to parish members as well as families and individuals in the greater Bloomington community. Thank you for your continued support. 

Coffee Hours:  We encourage everyone to take part in this ministry of hospitality on your designated week.  We are blessed to have many students and visitors joining us, and we hope to provide everyone a nice meal who stays to fellowship with us. Even if you don’t cook,
we welcome contributions of bakery goods, fruit, and other store-bought items. Place them on the serving table and we will arrange them.

Coffee Hour Host: Melissa Barbarick with Parishioners A-B.

Next week Host: Wendy Carter with Parishioners C-G.

Donations to the church are being made online at and by U.S mail.  Many thanks to all who continue supporting All Saints

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Proto-martyr Thekla, equal-to-the-Apostles & First Sunday of Luke

Venerable Silouan of Athos 

Thought for Today“With fear and reverence may you stand in church, for our Christ is present invisibly with the holy angels. The attentive and reverent He fills to the full with grace and blessing; the heedless He censures as unworthy. –Elder Ephraim of Arizona- 


Resurrectional Apolytikion – Tone 7

Thou didst shatter death by Thy Cross, Thou didst open paradise to the thief; Thou didst turn the sadness of the ointment-bearing women into joy. And didst bid Thine Apostles proclaim a warning, that Thou hast risen O Christ, granting to the world the Great Mercy.

Apolytikionof St. Thekla the Proto-martyr – Tone 4

O glorious Thekla, companion of Paul the divine, thou wast enflamed with the love of thy Creator, by the teaching of the divine preacher. Thou didst despise the passing earthly pleasures, and offered thyself to God as an acceptable and pleasing sacrifice, disregarding all suffering. Intercede with Christ thy Groom to grant us His Great Mercy.

Ordinary Kontakion – Tone 2

O undisputed intercessor of Christians, the Mediatrix, who is unrejected by the Creator. Turn not away from the voice of our petitions, though we be sinners. Come to us with aid in time, who cry unto thee in faith, for thou art good. Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who dost ever intercede for those who honor thee. 


The Epistle 

God is wondrous among His saints. Bless ye God in the congregations.

The Reading from the Second Epistle of St. Paul to St. Timothy. (3:10-15)

Timothy, my son, you have observed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness, my persecutions, my sufferings, what befell me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra. What persecutions I endured!  Yet from them all, the Lord rescued me.  Indeed, all, who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived.  But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 

The Gospel 

The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (5:1-11)

At that time, Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret.  And He saw two boats by the lake; but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets.  Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, Jesus asked him to put out a little from the land.  And He sat down and taught the people from the boat.  And when Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”  And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing!  But at Thy word I will let down the nets.”  And when they had done this, they enclosed a great shoal of fish; and as their nets were breaking, they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them.  And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.  But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”  For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the catch of fish, which they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon.  And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men.”  And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him. 

Receiving the Eucharist:We invite you to receive the Holy Eucharist if you are an Orthodox Christian who has prepared yourself through fasting, prayer, and recent confession.  If you are not Orthodox, or are Orthodox but have not prepared, we invite you to receive a piece of the blessed bread in the wooden bowls held by the altar servers at the front of the church. 


All Saints Festival on Fairfax is Saturday, October 14, 11am-5pm. 

Yard signs are in the hallway – please take one home! Volunteers are needed to set up, to work various tasks during the festival, and to donate fresh baked goods. Please see the list on the bulletin board for specific area leaders, or Dan Rigsby, the festival chair.

Attention All Saints Men 18 years and older: The Men’s Group is planning an event on September 30. There will be an Informal meeting during coffee hour in the St. George Pavilion today (24 Sep) to discuss details.  Please reach out to Vasily (Glen Carter) if you have questions. 


Today, SundayMen’s group planning time.

Monday, September 256th Hour Prayers, at 12:00 noon.

Tuesday, September 26: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am; OCF dinner and discussion, 6:30pm at the Webb’s home.

Wednesday, September 276th Hour Prayers at 12:00 noon; Daily Vespers at 6:00pm (Followed by Orthodoxy 101).

Thursday, September 28: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

FridaySeptember 29: Divine Liturgy 9am; Akathist for the protection of the Theotokos.

Saturday, September 30: Bible Study at the Webb’s home, 9:00 am; Great Vespers at 5:00 pm (followed by Ask Abouna); Jr. SOYO at 3:30pm; SOYO at 6:30pm.

Sunday, October 1Matins at9:00amDivine Liturgy at 10:00am. Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.


Names Day Celebration: Casey Barbarick Sergius (25th); Jonathan Blair, John Kozak John the Theologian (26th); Ross Caton Uriel (29th).

Anniversary CelebrationAlex and Sami Koutares (24th).

Memory Eternal: Archpriest Raphael, John, Mother Nektaria, Ron, Becky, Patricia, Stephen. John, Jonathan, Archpriest David, Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo + All Japan, Johnny Sue.

Prayer ListMichael, Olga, Eileen, Soren, Kathy; Toni;Jan; Don and Dee; those suffering the war of Ukraine; Peace talks; our nation and all nations’ leaders; Earthquake victims and relief efforts in Syria and Turkey; schools: school children, youth and personnel across the nation; Mat. Raisa; Mary Ann; Emma (Mary Ann’s granddaughter); Bob & Bonnie Thelen;  Wes (infant with brittle bone disorder); Wes’s grandfather; Megan (lymphoma); Mark (CHF) and (caregiver) Barbara;Josiah; Vicki;Vicki’s granddaughter; Steve Crandall; Fr. Athanasius; Jack; Christopher; Fr. Jerome; Catherine; Wadia; Jayci; Patricia; Marvin; Alice; Kitsa; Apthrodite; Kim; Kristy; Dusty; Cari; Betsy; Josh; Allison; Andrew (Texas/military); Isaac (Germany/military); Leanne; Heather; Nancy; Sharon Catherine; Lexi, Ross and Vivian; Theo; Doug; Jeremy; Dn. Lawrence, Marcia; Elias; Waded; Seraphima; Lilly’s family; Jennifer; Christy; Megan; John; Stanley; Macrina; Emilia with child; Amanda with child; Anne; Allen; Linda; Marilyn; Mary Barger; Allison and children; Nino with child.  

Giving Opportunities:

Mission Donations: We send monthly support to two missionary units in Albania, the Hoppe family and Hannah Valentine. We welcome and encourage you to contribute to their ongoing support. 

Benevolence FundDonations may be made to this fund throughout the year, and are mainly used to support families in need of help with rent and utilities payments.

In-House Food Pantry: Non-perishable food items are always welcome! The Food Pantry is available to parish members as well as families and individuals in the greater Bloomington community. Thank you for your continued support. 

Coffee Hours:  We encourage everyone to take part in this ministry of hospitality on your designated week.  We are blessed to have many students and visitors joining us, and we hope to provide everyone a nice meal who stays to fellowship with us. Even if you don’t cook,
we welcome contributions of bakery goods, fruit, and other store-bought items. Place them on the serving table and we will arrange them.

Coffee Hour Host: Rhonda Webb with Parishioners S-Z.

Next week Host: Melissa Barbarick with Parishioners A-B.

Donations to the church are being made online at and by U.S mail.  Many thanks to all who continue supporting All Saints

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross

Martyrs Sophia and her daughters Faith, Love and Hope 

Thought for Today“It is easier to measure the entire sea with a tiny cup than to grasp the ineffable greatness of God with the human mind.” + St. Basil the Great+ 


Resurrectional Apolytikion – Tone 6

When Mary stood at Thy grave, looking for Thy sacred body, angelic powers shone above Thy revered tomb; and the soldiers who were to keep guard became as dead men. Thou led Hades captive and wast not tempted thereby. Thou didst meet the Virgin and didst give life to the world, O Thou, Who art risen from the dead, O Lord, glory to Thee.

Apolytikion of the Elevation of the Holy Cross- Tone 1

O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance, granting to Thy people victory over all their enemies, and by the power of Thy Cross preserving Thy commonwealth.

Kontakionof the Elevaion of the Holy Cross- Tone 4

Do Thou, Who of Thine own good will was lifted up upon the Cross, O Christ our God, bestow Thy bounties upon the new Nation which is called by Thy Name; make glad in Thy might those who lawfully govern, that with them we may be led to victory over our adversaries, having in Thine aid a weapon of peace and a trophy invincible.

Receiving the Eucharist:We invite you to receive the Holy Eucharist if you are an Orthodox Christian who has prepared yourself through fasting, prayer, and recent confession.  If you are not Orthodox, or are Orthodox but have not prepared, we invite you to receive a piece of the blessed bread in the wooden bowls held by the altar servers at the front of the church. 


The Epistle

O Lord, how manifold are Thy works.  In wisdom hast Thou made them all. Bless the Lord, O my soul.

The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians. (2:16-20)

Brethren, you know that a man is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ.  Even we have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ, and not by works of the law, because by works of the law shall no one be justified.  But if, in our endeavor to be justified in Christ, we ourselves were found to be sinners, is Christ then an agent of sin?  Certainly not!  But if I build up again those things which I tore down, then I prove myself a transgressor.  For I through the Law died to the Law, that I might live to God.  I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. 

The Gospel 

The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark. (8:34-9:1)

The Lord said, “If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.  For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for My sake and the Gospel’s will save it.  For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?  For what can a man give in return for his soul?  For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”  And He said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Kingdom of God come with power.” 

Giving Opportunities:

Mission Donations: We send monthly support to two missionary units in Albania, the Hoppe family and Hannah Valentine. We welcome and encourage you to contribute to their ongoing support. 

Benevolence FundDonations may be made to this fund throughout the year, and are mainly used to support families in need of help with rent and utilities payments.

In-House Food Pantry: Non-perishable food items are always welcome! The Food Pantry is available to parish members as well as families and individuals in the greater Bloomington community. Thank you for your continued support.  


All Saints Festival on Fairfax is Saturday, October 14; 11am-5pm. Festival yard signs are in the hallway. For those willing to volunteer their time for set up, during the festival or to donate bake goods; contact Dan Rigsby, Festival Chair,


Today, SundayParish Council will meet.

Monday, September 186th Hour Prayers, at 12:00 noon.

Tuesday, September 19: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

Wednesday, September 206th Hour Prayers at 12:00 noon; Daily Vespers at 6:00pm (Followed by Orthodoxy 101). American Saint Anatole.

Thursday, September 21: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

FridaySeptember 22: Divine Liturgy 9am. Great Vespers at 6:00pm for the Conception of the Forerunner and Baptist John.

Saturday, September 23: Bible Study at the Webb’s home, 9:00 am; Great Vespers at 5:00 pm (followed by Ask Abouna);Special jr.SOYO TBA by email at 3:30pm; SOYO at 6:30pm.

Sunday, September 24Matins at9:00amDivine Liturgy at 10:00am. American Saint Peter the Aleut.


Names Day Celebration: Kiya Crandall Sophia (17th), Faith Farley Faith (17th); John Labban, John Alexander Forerunner and Baptist John (23rd).

Birthday Celebrations: John Labban (17th); Cat Cowan (19th); Johanna Hsu (22nd).

Memory Eternal: Archpriest Raphael, John, Mother Nektaria, Ron, Becky, Patricia, Stephen. John, Jonathan, Archpriest David, Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo + All Japan, Johnny Sue Craton.

Prayer ListMichael, Olga, Eileen, Soren, Kathy; Toni;Jan; Don and Dee; those suffering the war of Ukraine; Peace talks; our nation and all nations’ leaders; Earthquake victims and relief efforts in Syria and Turkey; schools: school children, youth and personnel across the nation; Mat. Raisa; Mary Ann; Emma (Mary Ann’s granddaughter); Bob & Bonnie Thelen;  Wes (infant with brittle bone disorder); Wes’s grandfather; Megan (lymphoma); Mark (CHF) and (caregiver) Barbara;Josiah; Vicki;Vicki’s granddaughter; Steve Crandall; Fr. Athanasius; Jack; Christopher; Fr. Jerome; Catherine; Wadia; Jayci; Patricia; Marvin; Alice; Kitsa; Apthrodite; Kim; Kristy; Dusty; Cari; Betsy; Josh; Allison; Andrew (Texas/military); Isaac (Germany/military); Leanne; Heather; Nancy; Sharon Catherine; Lexi, Ross and Vivian; Theo; Doug; Jeremy; Dn. Lawrence, Marcia; Elias; Waded; Seraphima; Lilly’s family; Jennifer; Christy; Megan; John; Stanley; Macrina; Emilia with child; Amanda with child; Anne; Allen; Linda; Marilyn; Mary Barger; Allison and children; Nino with child.  

Coffee Hours:  We encourage everyone to take part in this ministry of hospitality on your designated week.  We are blessed to have many students and visitors joining us, and we hope to provide everyone a nice meal who stays to fellowship with us. Even if you don’t cook,
we welcome contributions of bakery goods, fruit, and other store-bought items. Place them on the serving table and we will arrange them.

Coffee Hour Host: Nina Rogers with Parishioners H-R.

Next week Host: Rhonda Webb with Parishioners S-Z.

Donations to the church are being made online at and by U.S mail.  Many thanks to all who continue supporting All Saints

Sunday, September 10, 2023

   Sunday before the Elevation of the Holy Cross

After-feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos

Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora of Bithynia; Empress Pulcheria; Peter, bishop of Nicaea


Resurrectional Apolytikion – Tone 5

Let us believers praise and worship the Word; coeternal with the Father and the Spirit, born of the Virgin for our salvation. For, He took pleasure in ascending the Cross in the flesh to suffer death; and to raise the dead by His glorious Resurrection.

Apolytikion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

Thy nativity, O Theotokos, hath proclaimed joy to the whole universe; for from thee did shine forth the Sun of justice, Christ our God, annulling the curse, and bestowing the blessing, abolishing death and granting us life everlasting.

Kontakion of the Nativity of the Theotokos – Tone 4

By thy holy nativity, O pure one, Joachim and Anna were delivered from the reproach of barrenness; and Adam and Eve were delivered from the corruption of death; thy people do celebrate it, having been saved from the stain of iniquity, crying unto thee: The barren doth give birth to the Theotokos, who nourisheth our life.

Receiving the Eucharist:We invite you to receive the Holy Eucharist if you are an Orthodox Christian who has prepared yourself through fasting, prayer, and recent confession.  If you are not Orthodox, or are Orthodox but have not prepared, we invite you to receive a piece of the blessed bread in the wooden bowls held by the altar servers at the front of the church. 


The Epistle 

O Lord, save Thy people and bless Thine inheritance.

To Thee, O Lord, I have cried, O my God.

The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians. (6:11-18)

Brethren, see with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand.  It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh that would compel you to be circumcised and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.  For even those who receive circumcision do not themselves keep the Law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh.  But far be it from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.  For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.  Peace and mercy be upon all, who walk by this rule, upon the Israel of God.  Henceforth let no man trouble me; for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren.  Amen. 

The Gospel 

The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. John. (3:13-17)

The Lord said, “No one has ascended into heaven but He who descended from heaven, the Son of man.  And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  For God sent His Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.” 

Thought for Today“When you see an icon of the Theotokos with the infant Christ in her arems, do you know what you are looking at? Heaven and earth! Heaven is Christ, Who is above the heavens; He is the creator of heaven and earth. And the Mother of the Lord represents all the people on the face of the earth, for she was chosen from among us. She was born from both royal and priestly lineage. The arms of the Mother of the Lord are more powerful than the shoulders of the Cherubim and the most blessed Thrones. Who does she hold in her arms? Do you know? She holds the One Who made heaven and earth, all things visible and invisible!”

 –Elder Cleopa of Romania-


St George Middle Eastern Festival is Friday, 9/15 5-10pm; Saturday, 9/16 12-10pm; Sunday 9/17 1-5pm. 11300 E. 121 St. Fishers, Indiana.

All Saints Festival on Fairfax is Saturday, October 14; 11am-5pm. Dan Rigsby is Festival Chair can be reached at

Coffee Hours:  We encourage everyone to take part in this ministry of hospitality on your designated week.  We are blessed to have many students and visitors joining us, and we hope to provide everyone a nice meal who stays to fellowship with us. Even if you don’t cook,
we welcome contributions of bakery goods, fruit, and other store-bought items. Place them on the serving table and we will arrange them.

Coffee Hour Host: Wendy Carter with Parishioners C-G.

Next week Host: Nina Rogers with Parishioners H-R.


Monday, September 11Divine Liturgy at 9:00 am.

Tuesday, September 12: Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

Wednesday, September 13: 6th Hour Prayers at 12:00 noon; Great Vespers for the Exaltation of the Cross with Litia/ Artoklosia at 6:00pm (Followed by Orthodoxy 101).

Thursday, September14: Matins at 8:00am, Divine Liturgy at 9:00am.

FridaySeptember 15: 6th Hour Prayers at 12:00 noon.

Saturday, September 16: Bible Study at the Webb’s home, 9:00 am; Great Vespers at 5:00 pm (followed by Ask Abouna); jr.SOYO at 3:30pm; SOYO at 6:30pm.

Sunday, September 17Matins at9:00amDivine Liturgy at 10:00am.


Names Day Celebration: Steve Blair Cornelius (13th).

Anniversay CelebrationMatthew and Gabriella Crandall (11th); Subdn. Dan and Linda Barrett (12th).

Birthday Celebrations: Elena Radchenko (10th); Felicity Arthur (11th); John Alexander (12th); Max Pitchkite (14th).

Memory Eternal: Archpriest Raphael, John, Mother Nektaria, Ron, Becky, Patricia, Stephen. John, Jonathan, Archpriest David, Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo + All Japan.

Prayer ListMichael, Olga, Eileen, Soren, Kathy; Toni;Jan; Don and Dee; those suffering the war of Ukraine; Peace talks; our nation and all nations’ leaders; Earthquake victims and relief efforts in Syria and Turkey; schools: school children, youth and personnel across the nation; Mat. Raisa; Mary Ann; Emma (Mary Ann’s granddaughter); Bob & Bonnie Thelen;  Wes (infant with brittle bone disorder); Wes’s grandfather; Megan (lymphoma); Mark (CHF) and (caregiver) Barbara;Josiah; Vicki;Vicki’s granddaughter; Steve Crandall; Fr.Athanasius;  Jack; Christopher; Fr. Jerome; Catherine; Wadia; Jayci; Patricia; Marvin; Alice; Kitsa; Apthrodite; Kim; Kristy; Dusty; Cari; Betsy; Josh; Allison; Andrew (Texas/military); Isaac (Germany/military); Leanne; Heather; Nancy; Sharon Catherine; Lexi, Ross and Vivian; Theo; Doug; Jeremy; Dn. Lawrence, Marcia; Elias; Waded; Seraphima; Lilly’s family; Jennifer; Christy; Megan; John; Stanley; Macrina; Emilia with child; Amanda with child; Anne; Allen; Linda; Marilyn; Mary Barger; Allison and children; Nino with child.  

Giving Opportunities:

Mission Donations: We send monthly support to two missionary units in Albania, the Hoppe family and Hannah Valentine. We welcome and encourage you to contribute to their ongoing support. 

Benevolence FundDonations may be made to this fund throughout the year, and are mainly used to support families in need of help with rent and utilities payments.

In-House Food Pantry: Non-perishable food items are always welcome! The Food Pantry is available to parish members as well as families and individuals in the greater Bloomington community. Thank you for your continued support. 

Donations to the church are being made online at and by U.S mail.  Many thanks to all who continue supporting All Saints